Eyes of the Beholder

Most people think of our photography with the focus we so often share: the art of people. On our off time, our interests go in many directions. From horses grounded to the earth to high flying aerial images, the variations on our medium folds back and enhances our work with people, weddings and events.

A friend asked if we would photograph the small town and rural areas that surround his lake house in Livingston, TX, a short drive from Houston. He had seen our images from a family trip to New Zealand and wanted the same style documentation for the walls of his weekend home. He was seeking the Infrared black and white photography theme that we used in NZ. While infrared isn’t typically good for recording people it does an amazing job with sky, water and trees that aren’t available through traditional photography.

This Texas art commission was a huge compliment considering our friend’s great taste in art but we agreed to give it a go. We spent a couple days exploring the area with his primary requests of trees, barns and buildings as our guide.

We were all happy with the outcome. The dining room alone now shows a grouping of 15 square prints. He was then inspired to do a remodel of the lake house with the photography leading the tone. Modern and crisp. The result of the remodel can be seen in this Houston Chronicle article.

The license to seek and return with treasure in the form of art photography is an awesome endeavor. For artists we couldn’t have asked for a much better experience.


Marrying at the Mansion


Blogged : Neutral, Modern & Fun!