Stepping into portraits was an organic evolution as our wedding clients became parents. We lean toward environmental portraits that breathe and play. Variety from beach, parks, streets of downtown and horse pastures become our photographic playground. Laughter is welcome. Hugs are encouraged. We are happy to give clothing suggestions but remember they are just suggestions. We want to photograph you, personality and all. Contact us for availability and to schedule a call to discuss your photography goals.

LEAF   |  $300
Solo portrait. Focusing on the individual in selected settings. Ideal for milestones, tweens or senior portraits.

BRANCH   |  $375
Up to 5 people. Focus on the whole and the individual relationships within. Most popular session.

Up to 25 people.  Start with the collective group and then individual family units within.

For horse lovers. You and your horse connecting and sharing space.

*weekend surcharge ~$50



Monday-Thursday : Three locations are Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site, Dorchester County Parks & Rec and Givhans Ferry State Park near the Summerville area.

“You smiled then, and your whole face changed with it. It kind of lit up, like there were sunbeams coming from inside you.” ― Lucy Christopher