
Wall art options can be a hill to climb without the right information. Equally overwhelming is the abundance of choices in sizes and design layout. If you have huge walls you might want something that really takes up space with thick mats and large frames. If your space is more compact, you might want something smaller, with or without a frame. Some of our clients need horizontals or landscapes while others choose squares. If you have a goal before the photography sessions, please let us know. We will do our best to make it happen. Otherwise, we can see what art grabs you close and help guide on how you would like it displayed.

For reference, the space in this image was designed using an 8ft wide wall with couch height of 34in and width of 7ft and the canvases 3 in apart.

Our images start in what we call full frame. It is a 2x3 ratio (4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24). From there we can crop and size to fit your space and preferences;

  • squares, verticals and horizontals

  • singles or a series

  • canvas or under glass print

  • matt or no matt

  • frames

So let your hair down. Relax. We got this. Let’s display some family art.


Art of Healing


Bonnie Doone Plantation Wedding Photography