Destination Portraits: on the other side

To fuel our spark, and our sensitivity to those on the other side of the camera, we scheduled a destination portrait while visiting family in Tacoma, WA.

Our process:

  • We found 3 photographers with work we loved and a price that fit our budget.

  • Emailed the 3 photographers. Out of that, 1 of the 3 responded. Luckily, she was available and a great fit.

  • Selected a spot that feels like home to James, Point Defiance Park, and a time frame that worked with our family visit.

  • Pulled clothes for skin tones that were complementary to each other without being too matchy. They also gave contrast from background.

Our take away’s:

  • Give ourselves a little extra time to get ready and drive there so we arrived chilled and relaxed.

  • We went light on celebration libations the evening before.

  • Our clothes were not perfect and that was ok for us and the location. The weather shifted and it was chillier than expected hence layers, blankets, sweaters and barn boots.

  • My hair (Corrie) is weather dependent. So it was what it was. James hair always looks great;)

After the initial, ‘Ohhh I don’t like being on the other side of the camera’, I stopped taking it so seriously. We connected with each other, laughed about my potential to slide down any given incline and took in the gorgeousness of Point Defiance. The images captured where we are in our journey and the experience of 2 hours of holding hands, cuddling and eye/chin gazing was pretty lovely too.

We were reminded that photographing relationship, connection, celebration and love is of great value and meaning. An intimate expression.

images below © Jaquilyn Shumate Photography


Litchfield SC Bridal Session


Blogged : Mountains and Music