Three Options: Portrait Digital files
To accommodate varied requests, we offer singles, sets and two delivery methods of digital files. Our files are sized to print from wallets to 8x12 inch prints. We encourage you to revisit our gallery for larger prints. The orders come through us and we revisit your images to optimize skin with additional TLC as the faces get larger.
Full set digital download $200 / sized 8x12 inches
Go to your gallery
Click on your album (repeat clients have an album for each session)
Click on any image and click on the ‘purse’ icon
Click on 'Digital media- from $30'
Select 'Full set - 8x12 inches -$200'
Proceed to check out
Gallery host will deliver your images via email download once the order is marked paid
Single digital download $30 / sized 8x12 inches
Go to your gallery
Click on your album (repeat clients have an album for each session)
Click on desired image and click on the cart icon
Click on 'Digital Media'
Select 'Digital File- 8x12 inch'
Proceed to check out
Gallery host will deliver your image via email download once the order is marked paid
Full Set digital file on flash Drive $250 / sized 8x12 inches
Contact Corrie (843)693.4328 or
Request full set of digital files on a flash drive and include billing/mailing address
We will email a paypal invoice and send the flash drive within 7 business days
Plug into your computer and enjoy!
S&H of $10 added to order.