dance photography

Brand Photography

Charleston Brand Photography

Brand photography is beyond a head-shot or a snapshot of your face. It gives your audience a fuller experience of you and your offerings. Rev Cathryn the Grateful asked for an updated head-shot and a few images in movement. We ended up crafting images that she can use throughout the year in her marketing and social media to grow her business and better express her uniqueness. She is a movement guide of Divine Dance Parties and her images pull in different aspects of those movements… joy, strength, play, beauty, grace, fun and wellness.

It just happened that the calendared date was a mystic, moody morning. The fog offered a soft, diffused light that created a vibe of it’s own that worked perfectly with Cathryn’s feel.

If your interested in brand photography (especially if you are into my personal favorites dance, yoga and horses), please reach out and we can plan a session that accomplishes your goals.